Stern So Far(Summer Start to Launch)–dedicated to the Sternies on 13th & 3rd

Well I totally failed at keeping a journal of my Stern adventures…thankfully, the Sternies on 13th & 3rd have encouraged me to jump back in during a midnight visit for *pulled pork (true story).  So what have I been up to.  Let’s break this into segments

Summer Start: I highly recommend anyone applying to Stern to apply to the summer start program. You get 6 credits out of the way, freeing up your schedule in the fall and spring semesters of your first year. It’s  also  a great way to get to know some of your classmates. I love my Summer Start Family. Seriously. I don’t know the algorithm they use to create the Summer Start Class, but they fill it with some amazing people, who become your support system when you feel like the linoleum in the 3rd floor atrium of the Kimmel Center  is crumbling beneath you. They also know how to party. Excuse me while I reminisce about the good old days when all I cared about was not failing stats, negotiating carousel kangaroos (true story), deciding if Max Brenner should launch in Brazil, riding the train for hammocks in Harlem, *beer pong at 3 in the afternoon, going head to head with a soccer player for who can consumer the most sushi…memories

Launch- after Summer Start came “Launch,” NYU Stern’s  9 day orientation–themed “An Education in Possible.”


  1. Getting to meet the rest of my class—Let me just say it’s one thing to read about Stern’s community–and its another to witness it in action—the admissions office did a great job of selecting smart people, who know how to enjoy life, and who will gladly help you with yours when you are on the struggle bus–slept thru class after one too many all nighters, don’t worry there will be several “where the hell are you?” texts, with class status updates, and offers to share notes when you finally wake up—also did I mention they like to karaoke? I have found my people.
  2. Hearing Corey Booker, Mayor of Newark speak…seriously should he ever run for President and he needs a first lady—I’m totally available. Bahahaha I kid…I kid, but seriously, let me know.
  3. John Sexton, President of NYU, commenting on how the decision of who to marry is the most important decision you can ever make. –Listen, don’t you go jumping to conclusions as to why this is my highlight–This is a highlight because it reminded me that there’s more to life than this rat race to a summer internship.
  4. Watching the Block Video presentations–my classmates are so creative
  5. Basking in Dean Peter Henry’s glow on a daily basis—now I only get to see him on the glass stairs
  6. The boat cruise–epic


  1. Sitting in Paulson auditorium all day, erryday
  2. Getting threatened with expulsion after being one minute late #ridiculous. I wonder if this actually happened to anyone—highly doubt it—but think about it, how would you spin getting kicked out of bschool during orientation?
  3. The day after the boat cruise—I.hurt.everywhere.–totally worth it

Ok so while I had fun during Summer Start & Launch I was itching to start the semester. During both those periods, underneath all the jokes and giggles,  I kind of felt like I was in a holding cell, waiting to be released…be careful what you wish for…

Classes, Clubs, Corporate Presentations, *FOMO–that combo makes ish cray—real cray. More on that later!



*Pulled Pork- Caruana it was delish, Jimmy thanks for doing the dishes

*Beer Pong- relax, I haven’t started drinking (granted this Firms & Markets Midterm just might be the breaking point–kidding) I just threw the ball, my partner drank all the beer–if he ever needs a liver, he can call me…granted we won alot of those games, so you know, I think he’s fine

*Basking in Dean Peter Henry’s glow- Not a crush, just admiration. There have been distinct moments where I knew that choosing Stern was the right decision: hearing this man speak at launch, then watching him tear up as he discussed his commitment  to diversity at the AHBBS conference, have been a few of those moments…Plus he’s Jamaican–umm need I say more

*FOMO-Fear of missing out

Stern (Summer Start) Week 1: So Far So Good…

So I just completed my first week of NYU Stern’s Summer Start. Summer Start is a six week program that allows students to get acclamated to the b-school lifestyle via a compressed semester and leadership workshops. The upside –you get a couple of courses out of the way so you have more time for recruiting and clubs in the fall (yay!), downside-doing homework in the summer (nay!). I’m taking Statistics, Negotiations, and Management Communication. I really enjoy my Communications class, the professor is awesome; my Negotiations class forces me to think in a new way about my interactions with people–turns out I’m both competitive and accommodating, who knew?  My Statistics class…well  lets just say I’m on the “struggle bus” for that one and will be saying alot of prayers to get me through that journey, including asking the big guy to help me recall everything from Econ 102.

So my favorite thing about Summer Start are my classmates…it’s hard to pick the right words to describe them, but let’s just say that for all of their accomplishments–like 4 tours in Afghanistan or running a tv production team or being a big deal at the NFL, they are extremely approachable, relaxed, and not afraid to belt out “Call Me Maybe” in a karaoke lounge…so you know, they’re my kind of people.

With that being said, week 1 was a success…week 2 on the other hand…well week 2 is starting off with alot of homework and a sleep deficit (I may have played just as hard as I worked this week, #winning), so things can only go up from here 🙂

5 Stages of being admitted to b-school

I went through the below 5 stages in less than 1 hour after to getting into b-school…

1. Holy crap they let me in!

2. Hell yeah they let me in, I’m awesome.

3. I can’t wait to put this on Facebook!

4. Wait…how much does this cost?

5. You have got to be F*%$ing kidding me!

WARNING stage 5 is a recurring event that is triggered every time you get a bill from your school of choice. You get over stage 5 by double checking that your FAFSA is complete, and convincing yourself that the best investment you can make is in yourself…or whatever it is you need to tell yourself to sleep at night after signing the master promissory notes.


Vacationing with the ‘Rents

So I spent the last week on a Alaskan Cruise with the *Momanger and *G-Dubs. Despite what the Momanager thinks I had a great time, granted there were some bouts of boredom…a direct result of my decision to unplug from the internets and not participate in Cruise Ship activities as a way of mentally and physically *prepping for b-school which starts in 2weeks, more on that later…But seriously I had a fun and relaxing time: I got more sleep in the last 7 days than I’ve gotten in the last 4weeks (can you say *OP), saw some of North America’s most breathtaking landscapes (Tracy Arm’s Fjord, Mendenhall Glacier, British Columbia’s Butchart Gardens), read 2.25 books (Still making my way through “Deluxe”), 5 magazines *, and laughed really really hard with the Momanager and G-Dubs. 
I won’t rehash all the funny moments from our trip, I’ll just say that the laughter was a result of lots of teasing (gotta be able to laugh at yourself in this family…no one is safe), sharing and creating of memories, and awesome conversations. One of my favorite things on this planet is sitting and talking with my parents. I learn so much about them and and about myself from our chats. When I hear my mom talk about her hard childhood, and wanting more for herself and for her family, I know where I get my ambition from. When G-Dubs says that his family is the most important thing to him, I don’t have to look hard for evidence of that, and make sure that as I build my life I place it at the top of my priorities as well.
With that being said/written I thoroughly enjoyed my vacay with M &G and I’m glad to be moving closer to them so our hangouts can be more frequent.
*Momanager- my Mom’s self-selected nickname…it suits her well, trust me.
*G-Dubs- Dad
*Magazines- I read them like they’re books…cover to cover. Fact. Faves include Marie Claire, Glamour, and Instyle.
*Prepping for b-school- someone in admissions loved me and I got into NYU Stern. I start on July 9th (summer session). I had a little taste of what b-school would be like when I went to OP in Minneapolis last week. It tasted like no sleep, tons of networking/interviewing, redbull, and late night shenanigans with amazing people. As a result I’ve decided that the best way to prepare for the next two years is to exert as little energy as possible between now and July 9th. 
*OP- Is a 5 day conference hosted by the Consortium, for students starting their MBA in the fall. It was a wonderful opportunity. I got to meet some fellow Sternies*, meet some other MBA students at other schools, ran into some old friends, make new ones, network and interview for summer internships for next year. Learn more about the Consortium here:
*Sternies: nickname for students matriculating at NYU Stern