To My Husband

A couple of weeks ago  I came across this blog:

Its basically a guy laying down some facts about himself to his future wife. I love it! Here are some of my faves:

I WON’T -Come riding on a White Horse, with a waffle maker, “tikets to the that thing you like” and a bouquet of roses. However, I don’t expect you to be waiting at the door when I get home cooking dinner while holding my dry cleaning and crap.


I CAN’T-Time my airport pickup so you see me standing like an emo statue at the top of the escalator but I’ll be there, somewhere. Airports confuse me.


IT’S YOURS-Two lives, yours is yours and mine is mine. Just living them together.

Its totally inspired me to jot down my own thoughts to my future husband. Below are a few of them:

YOU’RE STUCK- with me forever, but people say I’m kind of awesome, so you shouldn’t worry.

RIDICULOUS- I tend to be. Thanks for loving me anyway.

LOSING THE *PRESIDENTIAL BID- a) I still love you b) we’ll get’em next time!

– Kdub

*You know I’m totally kidding about wanting to marry the man who would be president, right?….Right??!!


Valentines Day

Valentines Day is but a few short hours away. If you’ve got a *boo, get on it, if you don’t, you still need to get on it. While it’s tempting to try and avoid the holiday if you’re single, you won’t be able to. Signs of the holiday are everywhere: in the Target $1 Section, on GLEE, on the receptionist’s desk…everywhere. So instead of driving yourself crazy trying to pretend that the entire country is not celebrating LOVE or some twisted version of it, and giving into feelings of sadness and annoyance when you fail, make it your own.

Here are some ideas:

1.     LOVE Yourself!

Get a massage, buy yourself some flowers, download some jams from iTunes, treat yourself to some new shoes…

2. Plan a fun night with friends.

One of my favorite V-Days was getting  tickets to the ballet with a group of friends, getting pulled over by the police,  and then taking the after party to a Dunkin Donuts and singing along with the light fm station playing  in the background. I don’t care what anyone thinks this was one of my best nights ever. Future Valentines take note: It’s not about what we do, but how much fun we have doing it.

3. Send some Love to someone else.

You know how good it feels when someone sends you something in the mail, so pass the feeling on. I actually started doing this in January, my targets range from old college friends who I once poked in the eye (long story), to my five year-old cousin who demands to here Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” every time he sees my laptop. Just the thought of the smiles on their faces makes my heart happy.

4. Ask someone to be your Valentine

In the end, we all want one. Come on be honest. So if you’ve got your eye on someone, just ask them.

WARNING: there are risks involved. The person you ask could say no, or not respond at all. But what’s life without a few risks. If anything their response or lack there of will be a good indication of where you stand with that person. Granted your approach to asking can heavily influence the response you receive.  Your best bet is to be both casual and genuine. No need to go overboard, you might scare the person away. Unless you’re asking me…go all out!!! If you need an example please see this clip from last week’s glee:

But seriously, just do it. You never know where it may lead…maybe it will lead here:

5.     Accept the day for what it is– all the while knowing that tomorrow all that candy will be more than half off!

Fact: Serenading me is the best way to get me to say yes to anything!!!…That is, anything that’s within reason.

Resolution Reality

I know, January is over and I’m just posting about resolutions but I’ve been busy; cut me some slack! Also you and I both know that motivation to make good on those resolutions has waned, so lets take this opportunity to reengage.

Here’s my stance on resolutions: they’re awesome! I know some people hate them, but I’ve always been one for goals, and self-improvement, and fixing bad habits, and being more amazing. I’ve also been unemployed for the last five months so anything that breaks up the day is a welcomed treat. But seriously, sticking with resolutions gives you an opportunity to be a better you. This is the kind of “after school special” drivel I tell myself as I hit the necessary evil known as the treadmill.  No, my resolution isn’t to lose weight, but if a direct result of me working on my mile time (10min mile here I come) are my J. Crew skinny jeans becoming that much closer to buttoning, well then, so be it.

I don’t want to mislead you; I would like to lose some L-Bs. The combo of the holiday season and job search  hasn’t been very kind to the waistline. Since the idea of never eating again is both insane and completely unappealing, I’ve decided to apply a more realistic method for fitting into those pants.  For me, the best way to approach goals is to focus my energy on figuring out and completing the small tasks necessary for achieving them. This allows the goal to seem more feasible and if I should fall short of it, I still walk away from the experience with a sense of accomplishment.  So if you’re disenchanted with your resolutions try breaking them into smaller more manageable goals. So instead of saying  “I’m going to shed some lbs,” resolve to be more active.  Instead of pledging “Never to be late again,” resolve to leave 15mins earlier than you normally do.  Instead of saying you’re going to improve your average number of *hook-ups/per year, resolve to …I think you get the point.


Happy *“Resoluting”!!!

*hook –ups :there are many variations, I’m referring to the act in its most innocent form…Get your mind out of the gutter.

*Resoluting- not a word, I made it up. It refers to the act of making resolutions. If Palin can do it, why can’t I?