Stern (Summer Start) Week 1: So Far So Good…

So I just completed my first week of NYU Stern’s Summer Start. Summer Start is a six week program that allows students to get acclamated to the b-school lifestyle via a compressed semester and leadership workshops. The upside –you get a couple of courses out of the way so you have more time for recruiting and clubs in the fall (yay!), downside-doing homework in the summer (nay!). I’m taking Statistics, Negotiations, and Management Communication. I really enjoy my Communications class, the professor is awesome; my Negotiations class forces me to think in a new way about my interactions with people–turns out I’m both competitive and accommodating, who knew?  My Statistics class…well  lets just say I’m on the “struggle bus” for that one and will be saying alot of prayers to get me through that journey, including asking the big guy to help me recall everything from Econ 102.

So my favorite thing about Summer Start are my classmates…it’s hard to pick the right words to describe them, but let’s just say that for all of their accomplishments–like 4 tours in Afghanistan or running a tv production team or being a big deal at the NFL, they are extremely approachable, relaxed, and not afraid to belt out “Call Me Maybe” in a karaoke lounge…so you know, they’re my kind of people.

With that being said, week 1 was a success…week 2 on the other hand…well week 2 is starting off with alot of homework and a sleep deficit (I may have played just as hard as I worked this week, #winning), so things can only go up from here 🙂

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