YaaaY!: 2000 Views//New Year’s Resolutions

Hey Kids,

Thanks for reading my blog and helping me get to 2,000 views. Man you guys really like me, don’t you? Or rather you really like seeing my crazy in word form, well whatever works!

I was going to wait and post about New Year’s Resolutions. I know its almost February, but I couldn’t really focus on New Year resolutions until this past Monday you see, as I was tied up with some b-school apps, the completion of which gave me an allergic reaction that triggered the worst cold/flu of my life…like I was laid up in bed for days kid, with swollen feet and hyper active mucus membranes that made me want to spend my life savings on kleenex (eek that last bit was rather gross eehh?). But now apps are complete (man I really hope all that effort wasn’t in vain) and I am healthy and can focus on my life.

Ok here are my resolutions:

Be on Time: friends you know I struggle. I mean like really struggle. Time and I just have not had a great relationship in the past, but I am going to fix that 🙂

Sync my work-out habits with eating habits: usually I’m really good at one or the other, this year I am going to make them work together. It’s been tough, and I’ve had to return to Weight Watchers and commit myself to the gym…more on that another time

Enjoy Life: I’m kind of a work-a-holic, and while the all work and no play has never made me dull ( have you met me?), the last 16 months of job search, getting up to speed at work, GMATing, & apps have turned me into a bit of a *fun sponge. I have turned into that girl who’s like no I can’t hang out I have to study/work/write/plan…and I have grown tired of her. So she’s going to be on hiatus, while, the girl who is up for whatevs’ makes a *J.Lo like comeback. Speaking of J.Lo totally digging her song, “I’m into you,” featuring Lil Wayne.

I’m only committing myself to three this year. They are pretty hefty and  are kind of interconnected, wish me luck!

*Fun Sponge- someone who sucks the fun out of everything. My buddy the Cap’n calls me that all the freaking time. Not anymore sucka! Speaking of the Cap’n, he and I  will be doing a new feature on  THE KDUBQUIES about dating. It will basically be edited versions of our gchat conversations. Look out for ’em!

*J.Lo like comeback: Jenny from the block is totally relevant again, thanks to her willingness to do anything: be a cougar, wear see through leotards, sit next to Steven Tyler while listening to people sing off key, sell clothes at Kohls, etc…Get it girl! your ambition is inspiring, granted your execution is  questionable.

“Sh*t White Girls say to Black Girls”-should I post this?

While I love this video, I felt weird about posting it on my blog…my initial thought was “what would my white friends think?” Would they think, that I think, that they are racist if they have uttered any of the phrases in the video. The answer is no. I just posted it because it is both hilarious and thought provoking (see above).
Some thoughts I had while watching:
-This resonates with me more than “Sh*t Black Girls Say.” While put together by black girls,  since it is definitely a portrayal of the stereotypical black woman, which I don’t identify with. (Video is actually of a balck man portraying black woman)

-Does anyone really identify with it? It is after all a stereotype…

-If stereotypes are rooted generalizations then why…ughh my brain hurts
-I wonder how  my other black female friends feel?
-AC and I will have to discuss on our way to Target
-Franchesca is totally rocking that blonde wig
-Why am I not working on my apps?
-I totally use ghetto as an adjective, should I work on that?
-“White entertainment television?” debated that one before… It’s called cable, moving on…
-Robert Downey junior in black face in Tropic Thunder was hilarious…“Zwarte Piet”, mmm not so much. Am I a hypocrite for liking one but not the other?
-Nope, because context is everything

With that said, here’s the video, think away!!!!

Last thought: Can I submit this post as an essay to the admissions committee?

Update: I totally turned this into an essay lol

“SuperGrace”- the Christian version of “Superbass”

I wonder what Nicki Minaj thinks of this Christian parody of her 2011 hit “Superbass?” I think it’s hilarious…may I suggest playing it at the next Young Single Adult Dance*? I think the lyrics “Any time he hold a child / Then my marriage ring is coming on, on”  is more appropriate to blast in the church gym than  “When he gimme that look / Then the panties comin’ off, off”?  Am I right?  Enjoy…

“Young Single Adult Dance”- otherwise known as a Mormon church dance for singles 18+…to answer your question, yes, they can be extremely awkward. But I go, because you never know where you’ll find the one who will put that “marriage ring on, on, on, on”…