This blog and everything else that got neglected during the first year of b-school

Wrapped the first year of b-school a few weeks ago and all of the blood, sweat, and tears (and there were many) that it took to get here were definitely worth it.
As I reflect on the past year, I have few regrets, because I truly had a ball! The combination fo stellar classmates, the opportunity to explore dream career paths, and the NYC night life was the perfect recipe for a good time. Granted I do have mixed feelings about some things– I definitely struggled with balancing church with the b-school life. Let’s just say that today was the first time in months I sat through all 3 hours of church—and I caught myself scheduling a church dance on my calendar (I couldn’t believe it either–but let’s be real I couldn’t really pass on the opportunity to attend a church dance in TX). Yet even as I think back on my decrease in church activity, I don’t regret it happening. I think sometimes you need those lulls to reignite the fire. I’m just grateful that the only reckless habit I picked up during this past year was dancing on tabletops (I have no desire to break this habit–no desire at all). With that being said, I look forward to recentering myself this summer, with the goal of cultivating better habits for the Fall (one which includes updating this blog more regularly). To be clear this does not mean I will be attending church dances upon my return to the northeast–let’s not kid ourselves.
Until Next Time,

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