It’s been a while…

It’s been ages, and I feel bad. I really really do…not enough to keep me up late at night but enough to warrant guilt in my heart when I look at my inbox and see the numerous articles, images, music videos that I meant to post…All I’ve left you with is a video of Robyn, that has her looking like she’s humping the floor…But let’s not talk about the past. How have you been? I hope you are enjoying the summer, soaking in the rays, eating  food/ice-cream from trucks, wearing seersucker-you know the usual summer activities.
Now you are probably wondering how I’ve been. I…well…I’m still abusing ellipses…can’t you tell?
But seriously I’ll let my posts do the job of telling you what has been keeping me preoccupied. There will be one on the increase in the number of news articles (atleast from my perspective) on the topic of matrimony and all that comes with it. In it you can watch me try to figure out whether or not there is actually an increase, or whether its a figment of my imagination- a direct result of the fact that since April I have been directly involved in 8…EIGHT…the infinity sign flipped from horizontal to vertical…that’s right 8 matrimonial related events…and most of them weren’t even Mormon related.*
Then there’s the other post where I’ll tell you about how my buddy, after listening to my  requirements for my  future life partner, told me that I was basically looking for Jesus…not Jesus who hails from Mexico…but rather the one from Israel…also known as the Redeemer. I have to say that is the most clever way in which someone has told me that I am looking for perfection.*
Then there’s the post where I discuss the two Mormons running for President, and how the 2012 Presidential Race will be my most thrilling election season yet, since two aspects of my identity, Mormon & Black (unfortunately not together*),  will have representation . Now all I need is a Woman and someone with Jamaican heritage to run and I’ll be in business.
Crap, I just realized that no matter who wins in 2012, I will never be able to chant “No taxation without representation.”
So to close, sorry I’ve been MIA, but keep checking the blog. As you can tell from the above, there’s some good stuff in the pipeline…Granted, you and I both know that most of that stuff won’t make it into a post. Let’s be real…but some of it will…so do keep coming back.
*Non-Mormon wedding events- I’m use to my people getting married, it’s what we do…but it seems that since I turned 25 everyone wants to get in on the fun. Slow down kids- I need non-Mormon wedding events to go to when I’m 30.
*Looking for perfection- I mean not really, just looking for someone who is equally as awesome. Is that too much to ask?…I know that last sentence is why I’m alone.
* Mormon & Black (unfortunately not together)- Give me about 50 years…one of my future kids is bound to make a run for it…bhaahah