Salt Lake City Shenanigans

This past weekend has been the best weekend to date in 2012, and who would have thought it would have taken place in Utah. The wedding of my dear friends Ellie+ Birch is what dorve me to make my second pilgrimmage to the Mormon holy land. I kind of love these people, and if they had had their wedding *on the moon I would have been there. FACT. Granted my wallet is super grateful that they settled on having their reception at the beautiful Sundance Resort in the Utah Mountains. What I loved about this wedding is that it was sooo Ellie + Birch, from the Trent Reznor reading during the ring ceremony, the Momofuku desserts flown in from NY, to the motown beats that played on the dance floor…it was wonderful. Besides seeing two of my favorite people tie the knot, getting to see some of my old friends from my NY days was a special treat…I tell you this group of people would make the depths of hell fun, and with some of the things we did and said this weekend, we may end up getting to test this theory out…I kid, I kid lol. But seriously I love that even though most of us are now scattered across the country, we still fall back into our groove when we get together. Below are some highlights  from this weekend…unfortunately most of these fall into the category of “You kind of had to be there,” I know, I’m sorry, get over it and rectify the situation by hiring us to come to your next wedding…we also do *bar mitzvahs.  

-Pushing my rental car  to 100mph up the canyon so I would not be late…made it with 5mins to spare.  

-Teaching Chambers’ Mom how to do the Beyonce’ dance from “Crazy in Love.” She was a quick study and totally owned it on the dance floor.  

-Hearing the phrase “You remind me of Morgan Freeman,” twice in one night…and know its not because I’m black

-Learning about the innerworkings of my friends illegal bodega, where she sells contraband such as diet coke, on a caffeine free campus

-Admiring an 80 year-old woman as she grooved on the dance floor, all the while knowing that if she ever threatened me to a dance battle I would lose.

-Watching a room full of Mormons get low to T-Pain’s *”Low” and then having my redheaded hostess wakeup regretting ever having dropped it low…hitting the floor is definitely a work out

-Being accused of having a *Center Stage moment during Michael Jackson’s “The Way You Make Me Feel.”

-Waking up this morning with a Momofuku cake ball hangover

“On the Moon”- total cost of a trip to the moon: $100 million. Get your tix here:

“Bar mitzvah’s”- We promise it will be as fun as this: Lil Wayned in a Panda mask costs extra.

“T-Pain’s ‘Low'”- I kind of feel that this maybe the unofficial young mormon dance anthem…Play it at any Mormon party and watch the entire room get low, myself included…

“Center Stage”- Totes guilty of doing some ballerina spins on the dance floor last night…what can I say, I was on one…