Obama raps

Well not actually…but after FLOTUS busted a move* to Beyonce anything is possible. Anyway someone spoofed the POTUS spittin’ rhymes about his Bin Laden Win…its guaranteed to make your Friday, promise.  

FLOTUS busted a move: if you missed it see it here:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/03/michelle-obama-dances-the-dougie_n_857207.html

Finally, I know this week has been all about the Obamas, who are otherwise known as PO & FLO. Politics aside ( but I’m pretty sure you know who I voted for in 2008)I think they are great role models, not just for young  people who identify as black ( I’m feeling very P.C. this a.m.) but for everyone…they are smart, successful, appear to have a strong relationship, and love their kids, and are killing it (atleast at the moment)* in their current jobs. What’s not to admire/ aspire to be?

killing it (atleast at the moment)- Some may ask, “Kdub, was it neccessary to write, ‘atleast at the moment,’ its like your trying to dull their shine.” Here’s whats up while he is currently “winning,” the tide can easily turn…not that I want it to, but he’s not perfect.

POTUS is hilarious! And other thoughts on the 2011 White House Correspondent’s Dinner

Watching the some clips from the White House Correspondent’s dinner, and totally sad that I did not tune into the actual broadcast last night ( I may or may not have fallen asleep at 10:30…25 What have you done to me???) It is legitimately funnier than the last  5 Saturday Night Live episodes. LEGITIMATELY. POTUS* was on a role last night, making jabs at the birthers*, the movie stars who are disappointed in him ( he straight up dissed Matt Damon), all the GOP candidates running for the presidential bid an even making a jab at Biden…have I told you that I have a little crush on old Joe…I do. I really do. POTUS also released his birth video. Disney may or may not have produced it.

Overall the whole evening is pretty entertaining. I have to admit I had mixed feelings watching POTUS be so funny. Part of me was like, “DUDE*  you have a country to run, and not everything you do is gold (i.e. your stance on Libya), why are you making jokes?” The other part of me is like, “This man’s got a stressful job, he has aged 10 years after only being in office for 3, and people still think he actually wasn’t born in America…K-dub,let the man tell some DAMN jokes!”  Make your jokes POTUS, you have earned it.

Here is a clip of POTUS’ speech

*POTUS- President of the United States…It makes me giggle everytime I say it, that and FLOTUS, First Lady of the United States…POTUS & FLOTUS…say it out loud and tell me if it doesn’t make you smile? No please tell me…in the comments 🙂 On a different note do you not just love how in love POTUS & FLOTUS are…or PO & FLO as I will now affectionately refer to them (leave it to me to make a nickname out of a nickname, I have a gift). Their love really makes them endearing.

*DUDE- I really would like to believe that I would never call POTUS “Dude” to his face…but you know me, it could very well happen.

*Birthers- people (you too Trump) let it go, he was…the END

Snake escapes, starts twitter account

True story…kind of. Supposedly a cobra escaped from the Bronx Zoo and has some how gotten a hold of a twitter account. Wondering how he tweets without fingers…its called an iphone. Wondering how he got the iphone…don’t worry about it, we’ve got bigger issues to worry about, like who the heck let this freaking cobra get loose and what are they doing to catch it. As I thank my lucky stars that I’m no where near that situation ( I hates the snakes), read the tweets,  they are hilarious. See below for links to his twitter account and the article behind his escape.



Grossness on the Subway

Yes, things fellow passengers do while riding the subway can be disgusting, from riding it pants-less to urinating  all over the seat. It’s bad enough when you smell it, but when you witness someone peeing all over the seat, well thats just scarrring…I’m not sure if my former roomie has fully recovered from that experience.  

But no matter how disgusting, you never, ever, ever make eye contact with sed gross person (or anyone for that matter). Most of all,  DON’T MAKE A COMMENT. The subway is not a place to voice your opinion about someone’s habits. People are crazy, you could get shot, or at the very least end up with a plate of spaghetti thrown in your face followed by a side of fist. Such is the tale of the woman featured in the video below.  Let her experience serve as a warning. When you see grossness on the subway your best bet is to look away and pretend its not happening.

See the video here: http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2011/03/girl_eating_spaghetti_on_incit.html

*Props to the guys who stepped in to stop the altercation.

*Eating on the subway: I don’t actually find it gross, unless the contents of your plate/brown bag/plastic container land on me while you are mid chew…

*Roomie: I’m sorry you had to witness the pee…