Adele with a splash of Britney

So I am a bit obsessed with Adele’s new album, “21.” Yep, in the words of Fergie I am so “2000-and-late.” But better late than never. This album is just A-MAZING. Adele’s voice has the ability to make you feel every emotion  associated with loving, and losing, and realizing you were better off in the end…it really is an emotional roller coaster.  Favorites include “Set Fire to the Rain, ” “Turning Tables,” “Rumours,” (came up with a dance to this, maybe I’ll show it to you sometime) “One & Only,” “Don’t You Remember,”…basically  every song on the album.  

Most of you have propably heard her single “Rollin’ in the Deep,” but have you heard it mixed with Britney’s “Till the World Ends?” Not quite perfection, but the Popalicious beats behind Adele’s vocals create a special treat for the ears. Be kind to your ears, they love you. Yep, that last line is a bit weird, but you’ll forget all about it after you’re done listening to the video below, I promise.

She may be a bit over the top, but…

Lynn Tilton is on her game…or appears to be and on Wall Street appearance is everything. Lynn is the founder and CEO of Patriarch Partners, a private equity firm that specializes in taking over distressed manufacturers (she buys companies that make stuff), she is also the star of the series “Distressed Diva” (coming to viewers on the Sundance channel), she is also what I like to call a “total gangsta.” From her profile in NYMAG  you get the notion that this is a woman who is not to be messed with…but unlike most other powerful women she plays up her feminity in the boardroom…and not in the “yes, I’m wearing the DVF wrap-dress to our meeting with the investors” but in a “See my cleavage…you can’t miss it, because I take my style cues from the Real Housewives of Berverly Hills*” kind of way…I don’t know if I’d copy her approach to women doing business step by step, v-neck by v-neck, but the woman runs an 8billion dollar private equity fund, so I think she could teach this lil’ whipper-snapper* a thing or two. I’ll definitely be keeping my eye on her.  Read the write up about Lynn here: http://nymag/com/news/business/wallstreet/lynn-tilton-2011-4/index1.html
The article is 7pages long, so I’ve selected a few quotes from it that give you a taste of the woman who is Lynn Tilton:
“I think women too often give up their identity in a man’s world and believe they’ll only be successful if they’re close to what men are or what men expect them to be…”
Her description of the four qualities of a warrior is priceless
“Cunning is one…Not deceit, but the ability to move people in a direction. The second is sweetness. The third is patience, which was hard for me to learn. But the hardest one for me to learn was ruthlessness. Because that word sounds mean. But that’s not what it is. Ruthlessness is the ability to step over someone you care about, someone who has been good to you, for the greater good…”
“There are three universal lies: Margins are weak, but we’ll make it up in volume; the check’s in the mail; and I won’t come in …” I can’t finish the last part of this quote. First I have no way of testing its validity, nor do I want to…second, my mother would smack me.
Speaking of my mother, I feel like she has said something similar to the quote below to me over the last quarter century: “I am the mother, I am teacher, I am inspiration.”
I think Mom would probably like Lynn, maybe they’d even be buddies…but she would  not agree with all of Lynn’s behavior, as adamant as she is  about not having inter-office relationships, I doubt she’d condone Lynn’s offer to do jell-o shots off her stomach while at a board meeting. Yet the woman power mantra, along with the dominating in the work place attitude, combined with the glamour…well that’s right up mom’s alley.
Here are some other quotes that can only be described as, well,… ridiculous
“I hug people when they walk into the room, I smack the crap out of them when we’re in there, and I hug them on the way out.”
“This year…is going to be the year of Ruthless.”
“But I have this huge responsibility. And I feel it. I feel it. Every. Minute. Of. The. Day…Really, I wouldn’t wish my life on anyone.” –Not a knock to her because she has helped a lot of companies survive the recession, but alas if this one ever comes out of my mouth, you have permission to smack me. It will knock off some of the weight I feel fromthat huge responsibility. HA! I kid and I tease…I kid and I tease lol.
If the article doesn’t give you enough quotable phrases to last a life time check out the Patriarch website, its got a page dedicated to Lynn Quotes. See it here::
“Total Gangsta”- Less like Fifty Cent, more like Machiavelli
Real Houswives of Berverly Hills- Totally not kidding. Lynn (top photo) could easily be a member of the cast. Andy Cohen take note!
“Whipper-snapper”- sometimes I talk like an 80- year old grandma…